The sex of an individual is defined by a set of biological characteristics with which a person was born, for example sex chromosomes (XY for males and XX for females), gonads (testes for males and ovaries for females), genitals, sex hormones. A person can be born with male or female sexual characteristics or more rarely with sexual characteristics not attributable to those typically considered male or female (Intersex).

Ideology that supports the idea that the male gender is superior to the female one. 

Sexual characteristics differentiate one sex from another. They are divided into primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Primary sexual characteristics are the gonads (testicles and ovaries). Cells for reproduction (gametes) originate in the gonads where sex hormones are produced. At the onset of puberty, primary sexual characteristics reach full maturity and secondary sexual characteristics appear. These accentuate the differences between male and female bodies (for example voice timbre, body hair and fat distribution, muscles development, breast and penis growth, etc.).

An expression that indicates the subjective and personal dimension of the sexual being and that is built over time through a process where biological, psychological, educational and sociocultural factors are intertwined. Sexual identity is made by: biological sex, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation. These can be combined in different ways.

Indicates the physical, emotional, romantic and / or sexual attraction of a person to another. Sexual orientation is a distinct dimension from biological sex, gender identity and gender expression.

Attribution of negative qualities to a person or group of people in order to demote them to a lower rank.